Jumat, 28 Juni 2024

Kusuma tradisional balinese massage

 Mobile 082146480886 Pneumonia If you have pneumonia, it is one part of the body that functions to breathe. If this part of the body is damaged, then you will have difficulty breathing or even not breathe at all. Pneumonia or pneumonia is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the lungs, where the pulmonary alveoli (alveoli) which are responsible for absorbing oxygen from the air become inflamed and fill with fluid. Lung inflammation is caused by several things, 1 virus 2 mushrooms 3 parasites 4 chemical substances 5 physical injury to the lungs or as a result of other diseases, such as 6 lung cancer or drinking alcohol excessively. The microorganisms that often cause pneumonia are staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, hemophilus influenzae or a combination of the three. The way microorganisms reach the lungs can be through: inhalation (inhalation) of microorganisms from infections in other body organs, migration (transfer) of organisms directly from infections near the lungs. Symptoms associated with pneumonia. Includes 1 cough 2 chest pain 3 fever and difficulty breathing. Diagnostic tools include x-rays and sputum examination. Treatment depends on the cause of the pneumonia. For example, pneumonia caused by bacteria (bacterial pneumonia) is treated with antibiotics. Pneumonia is a common disease, occurring in all age groups, and is the most common cause of death in the elderly and chronically ill people. Vaccines to prevent several types of pneumonia are now available. An individual's prognosis depends on the type of pneumonia, appropriate treatment, other complications, and the person's health. Some people are susceptible (easily affected) Pneumonia is caused by alcohol drinkers, smokers, diabetes sufferers, heart failure sufferers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sufferers, immune system disorders due to disease (AIDS sufferers). Pneumonia can also occur after surgery (especially abdominal surgery), or injury (especially chest injury), as a result of shallow breathing, coughing and retained mucus. Symptoms of pneumonia can be alleviated with reflexology or massage from a neurologist, may God bless you😇 🙏

Selasa, 18 Juni 2024

Kusuma silver class bali

 Kusuma Silver Class Bali We are experienced silver craftsmen and we are lovers of traditional Balinese art and combined with European designs. We are very happy to get to know many people in Bali and the people I find are very happy with the designs made in Bali which are combined to be more beautiful and pleasant The beauty of Balinese art is that it feels very comfortable to use when you see the process directly and is very real when it is processed manually. Most of the tools are used manually and are original handmade. Silver jewelry art and its beautiful meaning When jewelry is made manually, the energy is felt when worn every day, even though the color will not be shiny forever, but the natural color of silver will be more beautiful when it changes over time. I am very happy to be able to make my own jewelry from my hands, especially if it is made with a gentle heart. will have extraordinary results, well, for those of you who want to have beautiful and nice jewelry to wear on your body, namely a ring on your finger that is circular in shape, in my personal opinion the meaning of the moon and the sun and the earth 🌎 which is round and circular has a meaning, namely purpose who is unanimous in good wishes Namely maintaining and maintaining a beautiful or beautiful body, well when else, if not now we know what is called the process of making silver jewelry

Kusuma silver class bali

 Kusuma silver class bali

Kami adalah pengrajin perak berpengalaman dan kami adalah pencinta seni tradisional balinese dan di padukan dengan desain Eropa kami sangat senang bisa mengenal banyak orang di bali dan orang-orang yang saya temukan sangat senang dengan desain yang di buat di bali yang di padukan menjadi lebih indah dan menyenangkan 

Keindahan seni bali yang sangat memiliki rasa nyaman di gunakan ketika melihat proses secara langsung dan sangat nyata di proses secara manual bagian besar alat yang di gunakan secara manual dan asli buatan tangan 

Seni perhiasan perak dan makna yang indah

Ketika perhiasan di buat secara manual energinya sangat terasa ketika di gunakan setiap hari meskipun warna akan tidak mengkilap selamanya tetapi warna alami perak akan lebih indah ketika berubah dengan waktu sekian lama saya sangat senang bisa membuat perhiasan sendiri dari tangan saya apalagi di buat secara kelembutan hati perhiasan akan memiliki hasil yang sangat luar biasa nah bagi kalian yang ingin memiliki perhiasan yang indah dan enak di pakek di badan yaitu cincin pada jari tangan yang berbentuk lingkaran menurut saya pribadi makna sebuah bulan dan matahari dan bumi 🌎 yang berbentuk bulat dan bulat memiliki makna yaitu tujuan yang bulat pada keinginan yang baik 

Yaitu  menjaga dan memelihara tubuh tetap indah atau cantik nah kapan lagi kalau tidak sekarang kita mengenal yang namanya proses membuat perhiasan perak yang

Sabtu, 11 November 2023

Pijat urut bali massage

 Pneumonia If you have pneumonia, it is one part of the body that functions to breathe. If this part of the body is damaged, then you will have difficulty breathing or even not breathe at all. Pneumonia or pneumonia is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the lungs, where the pulmonary alveoli (alveoli) which are responsible for absorbing oxygen from the air become inflamed and fill with fluid. Lung inflammation is caused by several things, 1 virus 2 mushrooms 3 parasites 4 chemical substances 5 physical injury to the lungs or as a result of other diseases, such as 6 lung cancer or drinking alcohol excessively. The microorganisms that often cause pneumonia are staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, hemophilus influenzae or a combination of the three. The way microorganisms reach the lungs can be through: inhalation (inhalation) of microorganisms from infections in other body organs, migration (transfer) of organisms directly from infections near the lungs. Symptoms associated with pneumonia. Includes 1 cough 2 chest pain 3 fever and difficulty breathing. Diagnostic tools include x-rays and sputum examination. Treatment depends on the cause of the pneumonia. For example, pneumonia caused by bacteria (bacterial pneumonia) is treated with antibiotics. Pneumonia is a common disease, occurring in all age groups, and is the most common cause of death in the elderly and chronically ill people. Vaccines to prevent several types of pneumonia are now available. An individual's prognosis depends on the type of pneumonia, appropriate treatment, other complications, and the person's health. Some people are susceptible (easily affected) Pneumonia is caused by alcohol drinkers, smokers, diabetes sufferers, heart failure sufferers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sufferers, immune system disorders due to disease (AIDS sufferers). Pneumonia can also occur after surgery (especially abdominal surgery), or injury (especially chest injury), as a result of shallow breathing, coughing and retained mucus. Symptoms of pneumonia can be relieved with reflexology massage or massage by a neurologist, may God bless you😇 🙏

Jumat, 12 Mei 2023

Balinese traditional massage

 Traditional massage is a treatment that has been passed down to our ancestors in the past, although this treatment is done from the outside it can cure diseases in our bodies, even though the healing process is so long or slow, the healing is natural, but this treatment is done every time the body feels tired or feels tired etc. This is the explanation of traditional Balinese massage.